Configuring interlock scope

An interlock’s logical scope restricts which, if any, of the documents must meet the other criteria of the interlock in order to be affected by the interlock.

To create an interlock property filter:

  1. Select the project definition in the left pane of Meridian Enterprise Configurator.
  2. Click the Edit button to enable modification of the project definition.
  3. Click the Interlocks tab in the right pane. The list of interlocks applied to the current project definition appears in the right pane.
  4. Select the interlock you want to edit and click the Edit button. The Properties dialog of the interlock appears.
  5. Click the Logical Scope tab. The current interlock scope appears as shown in the following figure.

  1. Configure the options on the Logical Scope tab from the descriptions in the following table.
Logical Scope options
Option Description

All Documents

All documents in the project folder must meet the criteria of the interlock in order to activate the interlock.

Any Document

One or more documents in the project folder must meet the criteria of the interlock in order to activate the interlock.

No Documents

No documents in the project folder must meet the criteria of the interlock in order to activate the interlock.

  1. Click OK to close the Properties dialog.
  2. Click the OK button on the Interlocks tab to save your changes.

This completes configuration of an interlock’s scope. You can now continue to configure the interlock in any of the following topics.

Related tasks

Creating a document workflow interlock

Creating an interlock document type filter

Creating a document workflow interlock property filter